Wake On Lan with Speedtouch 510

Here are some guidelines to install Wake on Lan for a pc which is connected to the internet with a Speedtouch 510.

Get the newest firmware on http://speedtouch.net.nz/510seriesFirmware.htm

When you update to the newest firmware you will probably loose all your settings!

It’s easiest to download the firmware+UpgradeApp.
– Unpack the files (run the downloaded exe)
– Rename the directory of the files to something short because the speedtouch seems to have a problem with long directorynames.
– start upgradeST.exe
– configure your speedtouch basic settings. In your browser connect to your speedtouch (either or Choose Speedtouch-Configuration-Set Up to configure your speedtouch with a wizard.

I am in Austria with Telekom and need the following configuration:
Router or Bridge: Router for NAT
VPI/VCI: 8.48
Connection type: PPPoA

Configure you speedtouch to connect to DynDns. This is straightforward in the web interface.

Save your configuration in an ini-file. In the web interface you find this with Speedtouch-Configuration-Save or Restore Configuration

Add this line in you ini-file to add a statical combination of ip-address to mac-address:
[ ip.ini ]
arpadd intf=LocalNetwork ip= hwaddr=99:99:99:99:99:99

Add this line in you ini-file to open port 6350 on the internet. A wakeup message sent to this port will be sent to you local pc (change ip-address) on port 7 :
[ nat.ini ]
mapadd intf=Internet inside_addr= protocol=udp outside_port=6350-6350 inside_port=7-7 inbound=enabled

Upload your ini-file to your speedtouch via the web interface.

Here you can send a wakeup signal to your pc: http://www.wakeonlan.me/
Remember to send your message to port 6350 (or any other port you’ve configured)

Here you can find a PHP script to wake up a pc: http://www.vdr-wiki.de/wiki/index.php/WAKE_ON_LAN_-_PHP

With this small program you can send wakeup signals and it can also detect if a wakeup signal is received. So you can test if a wakeup signal from the internet is received even when your pc is running. http://magicpacket.free.fr/

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  1. DG sagt:

    Hi, very interesting post you have here. I would like to try it out but as I’m a little bit novice need some help, (thanks in advance).
    1. Where you say, „add this line to your ip.ini file“ it is all one line right, it looks like two and I don’t know if that would make a difference?
    2. Also I’m assuming I can use any range of IP addresses no just
    3. The MAC address, is that supposed to be all numbers or is it actually the address of a device that I want to wake?

    Then there is the section about the nat.ini file.
    1. Is this all on line too?
    2. Why is port 6350 chosen?

    Thanks again.

  2. admin sagt:

    1. Where you say, “add this line to your ip.ini file” is it all one line, it looks like two and I don’t know if that would make a difference?
    Add it as one line
    2. Also I’m assuming I can use any range of IP addresses not just
    You have to fill in your IP address inside your network.
    3. The MAC address, is that supposed to be all numbers or is it do I input the address of a device that I want to wake?
    That’s the address you want to wake up
    Then there is the section about the nat.ini file.
    1. Is this all one line also?
    Yes, one line
    2. Why is port 6350 chosen?
    Any high port will do but don’t leave it on port 7 or 9 that won’t work.

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